4 days visit of Tilamur in Mauritania

Tilamur visited Mauritania in January, and conducted fruitful meetings, in order to disseminate and promote PestNu project.

The main aim of these visits was to present and disseminate PestNu project, the aquaponics procedure, and relevant technologies.

The first meeting, with the UNHCR, was conducted by Mariano Vidal, who represented Tilamur, and the coordinator of UNHCR Mr. Fabrice Igor Chuente Tejiom. During this fruitful meeting, an important agreement was discussed regarding the implementation of a small aquaponics pilot plant in the Mbera refugee camp, in south-east Mauritania, on an initial surface of 1000 m2. Mr. Fabrice was informed about the importance of the use of new technologies and innovation in modern agriculture, in order to achieve sustainability and a positive environmental impact.

The second meeting was conducted among Mariano Vidal and Mrs. Rita Santos Suarez, at the facilities of AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development). Mrs. Suarez was informed about PestNu, its objectives, and the technologies it introduces, and she expressed her interest in presenting this information to the NGOs which are operating under the umbrella of this Agency.

The third meeting of Tilamur was with Mr. Jean-Marc Dewerpe Alvaro, the first Consellier in Mauritania of the E.C. Mariano Vidal informed Mr. Alvaro about PestNu project, its objectives, and its developed technologies.

Finally, Tilamur, along with six other agricultural technology companies from Murcia region, participated in an initiative, organized by the Development Insitute of Spain, supported by the Minister of Business, Social Economy and Employment, Valle Miguélez. This initiative’s main aim has been the knowledge transfer to Mauritania, in order to improve the efficiency of production at the area, for humanitarian and environmental purposes. To this end, the participants visited possible cultivation areas, and discussed about the opportunities of the Mauritanian market, despite its desert climate.