PestNu’s project 30M Meeting!

The 30 months’ plenary meeting of PestNu project took place in Malmö, Sweden on March 13th and 14th, 2024!

The M30 Meeting provided a platform for consortium partners to exchange insights and nurture the growth of PestNu’s efforts. Furthermore, all the Work Package and Task leaders presented their work progress and their future plans for the upcoming period.

Fruitful conversations and efficient interactions took place and all the participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions and share perspectives on the advancement of the PestNu project.

A  visit to Kabbarps Trädgård offered a pleasant closing, allowing participants to witness first-hand the rich mosaic of organic cultivation. Located near Malmö, the farm of Kabbarps Trädgård epitomize a tradition of excellence, where the cultivation of herbs and salads transcends the ordinary, offering a testament to sustainable farming practices.

The M30 Meeting of the PestNu project served as a convergence point for collaboration, innovation, and shared vision!