PestNu project’s final event on “Popular TV Región de Murcia”!

We are excited to share that the PestNu project’s final event in Murcia was presented on Popular TV Región de Murcia, showcasing project’s cutting-edge contributions to agriculture.

The innovations developed by the PestNu project were highlighted, including the robot and the AI robotic trap which designed to predict  a plant’s disease and catch the insects that threaten it. These technologies were demonstrated live, giving viewers a comprehensive understanding of their functionalities and benefits.

Mrs. Sara Rubira Martínez, the Minister of Agriculture of Murcia, visited Tilamur facilities and viewed project’s technologies in action. Also, she gave an interview about the significance of PestNu project’s innovations.

This contribution underscored the importance and success of the PestNu project!

The interview at “Popular TV Región de Murcia” can be found below (13.30 min and after):