The 1st Workshop on Clustering Activities of PestNu’s sister projects was organized by CERTH , on July 7th, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
More than 40 people, attended physically the workshop, which took place at the facilities of CERTH, PestNu project’s coordinator, and more than 35 persons also participated virtually. Twenty-two distinguished speakers from research, academia, and industry presented more than 45 EU & National research and innovation funded projects, relevant to PestNu.
Lots of fruitful discussions took place among the participants during three round tables (Agriculture4.0, Pesticides free agriculture & Organic Farming, Food wastes) to boost clustering activities and sand build bridges for co-creative activities and synergies among the Farm to Form stakeholders chain.
Representing PestNu project, it has been a pleasure welcoming all the participants and hosting this exciting event and we are looking forward to participating in more interesting clustering activities in the future!