New Conference Publication for CERTH and SIDROCO!

CERTH and SIDROCO represented PestNu project at “28th international scientific and professional Conference Information Technology 2024”, which took place on 21 -24 February 2024, in Žabljak, Montenegro.

The publication, titled: “Machine learning for cyber security frameworks in smart farming” was presented during the conference. The authors of this publication are: C. Eleftheriadis, Z. Batzos, K. Kyranou, G. Andronikidis, I. Hadjigeorgiou, E. M. Pechlivani.

The presentation has been published as a scientific publication in the conference proceedings with the following abstract and its perspective DOI is the following:

You can find the abstract below:

In recent years, the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have stimulated numerous breakthroughs and applications. With the advent of Industry 4.0, agriculture has become a primary subject of ongoing digitalization efforts. Modern agricultural applications prominently feature Decision Support Systems (DSS) characterized by practical User Interfaces (UI). While several applications align with these criteria, a noticeable gap exists in the domain of cybersecurity for smart farming. This paper addresses the identified gap by introducing an innovative solution: a robust tool designed to address critical security issues, including privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In this manner, the regular operation of the intelligent system is ensured, rendering it resilient against a diverse set of potential attack methods, including Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, replay attacks, and trojan horse attacks. Throughout this article, we articulate the systematic development of our framework, emphasizing its dependability and user-friendly attributes. By prioritizing cybersecurity, our framework contributes to establishing more resilient Information Technology infrastructures for the evolving landscape of modern agriculture.

More information about the publication, its authors and other important aspects of the research can be found on: