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Every company/research centre/institution that belongs to farm-to-fork (F2F) value chain can participate to the activities of the project through the clustering activities and living lab workshops. Also, by signing a Letter Of Support they can be a part of the Advisory Board (after PCo evaluation) to give advice from their expertise covering social, economic, environmental and technical aspects, the adequate exploitation of the project results and on future development directions. The benefits for the IAB members are:

  • Be part of a pan-european group of stakeholders

  • Be the first who will be informed about the progress of PestNu project

  • Being part of the Industry Advisory Board of an innovative project funded by the european union, will have a positive impact on your organization’s image

  • Take advantage of the knowledge you will gain by participating in the trainings, workshops and other events of PestNu project

  • Get compensated for trips you conduct for joining events of PestNu, away from your location

  • Gain free advertisement, all over Europe, as your logo will be placed on the project’s website

There will be organised training sessions and living lab workshops at the pilot sites in Greece and Spain where the F2F stakeholders will be actively involved. Also, during the organised masterclasses in Portugal, Italy, Austria, Ireland, UK, Cyprus and Sweden, the F2F stakeholders are able to participate in technical workshops for setting requirements and needs, the different technologies will be explained in their aim, functioning and potentiality.

  • AI robotic traps for real time insect monitoring
  • AI satellite imagining for agricultural anomalies monitoring using Copernicus data
  • Autonomous self-navigated robots for pesticide monitoring and 3D spot spraying
  • Real time digital nutrient analysers
  • Flow cytometers for algae and bacteria real time monitoring
  • Automated circular economy system for agro-waste water treatment
  • Microalgae based biofertiliser production from on-site production for agro-wasterwaters
  • Biopesticide for fungal diseases with nutritional effect based on agro-food wastes
  • Decision support farm systems for integrated pest and nutrient management
  • AI models verification on-the-fly including blockchain and cybersecurity
  • User interface with AI models verification and data analytics pipelines for decision support
  • Develop nutritional programs for organic farming
  • Farmers and their advisors and agents – most of PestNu efforts will target the building up of products and services for smart farming and thus outcomes such as events (workshops, training, demo days), material on best practices and training material made available by PestNu will be, for sure, helpful. The field testing and demonstration of DST & AOP will take place in an aquaponic plant and open-field vegetable farms and online measurement from pilot sites and evaluation of their systemic performance in daily practice will occur and be available as a powerful tool to support decision making. Further interaction with all the value chain will be potentiated through PestNu’s D platform on business and investment opportunities allowing for this target audience to further build upon the acquired knowledge and establish useful connections and synergies through matchmaking.
  • Industries and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – will get to benefit from PestNu results learning more and networking on events (workshops, training, demo days), and trough training material and also get to know more about market trends and potentiate action by assessing and publishing business and investment opportunities
  • Academic and research community as well as other relevant EU (co-funded) projects and initiatives – besides knowledge sharing and exchange, which will be potentiated trough events, material on best practices and training material PestNu aims to actively promote and participate in clustering activities (ex. with other projects) towards the exploitation of DST & AOP products and services in the context of smart farming and interaction with the all Farm 2 fork chain of value (ex. see deliverables and workshop results) through PestNu’s platform on business and investment opportunities. Moreover, by dealing with emerging DST & AOP, PestNu nurtures students by training them in emerging topics such as IoT, robotics, big data, AI tools, Copernicus data and services, aquaponics, etc
  • EU and national health and environmental protection agencies, public authorities (local, regional and national), NGOs, Consumer’s associations and others – will be able to learn from PestNu not only through its events, deliverables and workshop results but also via the online measurement from pilot sites which will work as a tool to support decision making beyond the farm
  • EC and major EU and international associations/clusters/networks and platforms addressing hot topics covered in PestNu (pesticides, nutrients, fertilisers, organic farming, aquaponics, hydroponics, precision farming tools, food safety, etc) as well as regulatory and standardization bodies – are also a target audience for PestNu, which will be addressed in deliverables and events
  • General public – will be able to engage in all the process, by sharing their opinion in PestNu questionnaires and events and learn more about PestNu’s hot topics (deliverables, national plans) and innovations (material on best practices and training material)
  • A user-centric cloud-based Farm System for pests and nutrients monitoring in open fields and aquaponics.
  • End-to-end security across all layers of the DSTs protecting end user’s (farmer’s) data transmission
  • A Blockchain-based approach for DST data and AI model results integrity verification.
  • A holistic report, based on the data received from the DSTs, providing advises on decisions to be made and actions to be taken regarding specific warnings and alerts on open fields and aquaponics.

In order to be informed of all the upcoming events and other news of PestNu project, you can register in its contact list on the Sign up to the Newsletter area of the homepage: