New Journal Publication for CERTH & iKnowHow

CERTH and iKnowHow have proceed with a new publication within the context of PestNu project.

Their scientific article titled “An Autonomous Navigation Framework for Holonomic Mobile Robots in Confined Agricultural Environments.” was published on the Robotics Journal, by MDPI. It’s respective DOI is the following:

The authors of the article are: K. Tsiakas, A. Papadimitriou, E. M. Pechlivani, D. Giakoumis, N. Frangakis, A. Gasteratos, D. Tzovaras.

The abstract and the keywords of the publication can be found below:


Due to the accelerated growth of the world’s population, food security and sustainable agricultural practices have become essential. The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled robotic systems in cultivation, especially in greenhouse environments, represents a promising solution, where the utilization of the confined infrastructure improves the efficacy and accuracy of numerous agricultural duties. In this paper, we present a comprehensive autonomous navigation architecture for holonomic mobile robots in greenhouses. Our approach utilizes the heating system rails to navigate through the crop rows using a single stereo camera for perception and a LiDAR sensor for accurate distance measurements. A finite state machine orchestrates the sequence of required actions, enabling fully automated task execution, while semantic segmentation provides essential cognition to the robot. Our approach has been evaluated in a real-world greenhouse using a custom-made robotic platform, showing its overall efficacy for automated inspection tasks in greenhouses.

Keywords: autonomous navigation; agricultural robots; mobile robots; greenhouse navigation; semantic segmentation

You can reach the full publication following this link: